Strolling through the narrow streets of Guaraqueçaba is to walk through the History of Paraná. The region was first settled by the Portuguese people in 1545, being the first colonization in Parana. Around 1640, Gabriel de Lara, the founder of Paranaguá, found gold near Serra Negra. With the news spread,many adventurers came to explore the rivers in search of gold.Right after that the Jesuits founded an agricultural and religious establishment in the Island of Superagui.It was only at the beginning of the century XIX, after the construction of the church" Nosso Senhor Bom Jesus dos Perdões", at Quitumbê Mount, that the first constructions were built starting this little town.In 1880 the town became a city, but it was completely isolated (except by boats coming from Paranagua) from the others, so in 1970, a road connecting Antonina to Guaraqueçaba was constructed. With around 8 thousand inhabitants, many are "caboclos" who live in the islands around.
Park your car and enjoy the walk to see the colonial houses, with the architecture of the century XIX around the streets of the city. Don´t miss the Ecological Station where a permanent expo about the city takes place.
The whole reserve(Mata Atlântica) is inside APA, from Guaraqueçaba. The Atlantic Forest is one of the most threatend of the planet.By the time Brazil was discovered in 1500, The Atlantic Forest occupied an area over a million of square meters, from RIo Grande do Norte to Rio Grande do Sul. Nowadays there are only 8% of the original forest. This destruction was done by the men and the most relevant ones occured from Espírito Santo to Rio Grande do Norte.The least affected were from Rio de Janeiro to Santa Catarina. The Tropical Forests occupy just 7% of the planet, but more than half of the species of animals and vegetables known up to now are found there. The Atlantic forest has a large diversity, from the sea to the mountains and this complex system brings along a tremendous biological richness being the natural reserve of Salto Morato an example of the exuberance of this ecosystem.